By Joy Portella —
Minerva Strategies has reached an exciting milestone: we’re turning 10 years old! It seems like just yesterday that I started Minerva and it’s been so exciting to see the company grow and evolve into a first-class communications consultancy with amazing culture, mission, people, and clients. It’s everything I could have imagined…but much better.
To celebrate our first decade, the Minerva team will undertake endeavors that are both fun and substantive. We’ll reflect on how far we’ve come and tackle hard questions about where we’re going. We’ll talk to clients and partners about our principles and how they’re shaping our company culture. We’ll even get the team together in person, have a party, and pop some champagne.
One of the changes you’ll notice during our birthday season (because when you turn 10, you need a whole season) is that Minerva Strategies has a fresh look. Our friend and partner Akiko Baron designed a gorgeous, limited edition take on our logo. The Goddess Minerva iconography stays the same but now she’s sporting a bold “10 years” banner. You’ll see this version of Minerva showing up on our website, social media platforms, and other places where the Goddess likes to roam.
While Minerva has a fresh look, her character remains steadfast. Known for her wisdom and fierce protection of allies, Minerva’s qualities infuse all aspects of our team’s work. Like the Goddess Minerva, our team exists in an often brutal, unkind, and inequitable world. But here’s where our paths diverge with mythology. Using all of Minerva’s best qualities, we want to change that world, not uphold it.
We’re ready for the next 10 years. I hope you’ll join us.