This past May, I sat in my apartment and watched my name and degree flash briefly on the screen of my college’s virtual graduation ceremony. So, that was it. I was officially a college graduate heading out into the world during a pandemic. Part of me was filled with uncertainty, anxiety, and doubt. Another part of me was filled with excitement and hope. Excitement for everything to come in my life and career, and hope that, despite everything happening in the world, I could find joy in my life post-undergrad.
That’s when I got the call that I had gotten the internship here at Minerva Strategies. I was so thrilled for the opportunity to work for a mission-driven company with clients that aim to make positive changes in the world. But this opportunity has offered me even more beyond that.
When I first started here, I’ll admit that I was pretty nervous. What if my coworkers didn’t like me? What if I wasn’t good enough at my job? What if… what if… you get the point.
It turns out, this wasn’t the case at all. I got to know the team and found that, even entirely online, Minerva has managed to cultivate an incredible and welcoming work environment. I was able to find confidence and recognize my passion for working alongside social good organizations.
I have been able to work with great organizations like Seattle Girls’ School, Mariners’ Foundation, Shift, and, most recently, Great Lakes Urban. Each of these organizations has given me a unique perspective into the hard work that goes into mission-driven work and the rewarding feeling that comes out of it.
Working with Seattle Girls’ School and Mariner’s Foundation has shown me how a better future starts with providing for the youth that will lead it. Shift has taught me the importance of working with people rather than for people to create meaningful system change. And Great Lakes Urban has opened my mind to the power of community and connectedness.
In addition to all of the clients that I was able to meet, I was also fortunate enough to get to learn about diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA) from the wonderful people at LTHJ Global and CoCreate Work. With their guidance, our team has had insightful conversations about topics, such as white supremacy, that many workplaces would shy away from. I applaud Minerva for being so willing to take on this journey and I am grateful to have been able to learn from it too.
Lastly, I have to share how amazing of a team Minerva really is. Joy and Sara run the show with impressive confidence, strength, and wit. Elise is full of passion, knowledge, and phenomenal writing skills (did you read her latest blog?). Kayla has to be one of the most friendly, funny, and kind people I have ever worked with. Luke is always so driven and positive. And Malia I have to give an extra shout-out to for not only being as impressive and strong-willed as she is, but also for being there for me every step of the way from the interview process, onboarding, and our weekly check-ins, to working together on numerous projects.
I feel so extremely thankful for the opportunity I’ve had to work here. I’ve gained a lot, including a lot of new skills and the wonderful knowledge that Minerva Strategies is going to continue to be hard at work, making the world a better place, one word at a time.